09 January 2007

Feeding Frenzy

A Native American elder once described his own inner struggles
in this manner:
Inside of me there are two dogs.
One of the dogs is mean and evil.
The other dog is good.
The mean dog fights the good dog all the time."
When asked which dog wins he reflected for a moment and replied,
"The one I feed the most." ~Unknown

This story pretty much sums up my struggle into the New Year. The problem has been that just because I turn the calendar another page, that doesn’t mean that my perspective shifts completely. I seem to be feeding the “impatient, why can’t people exercise common sense, how many times do I have to tell someone this, why are THEY in such a bad mood dog”; instead of feeding the “grateful to have a good job, wonderful HUSBAND, resources to follow my dreams, God is amazing dog”.

I realize that I have started the New Year with an emaciated spirit. I have spent so much time DOING in the last few wonderful whirlwind months of a new BLESSED marriage that somewhere along the way, I stopped feeding my soul, I stopped BEING. So instead of giving in to the world’s feeding frenzy, I resolve today not TO DO but TO BE:
  • Be thankful for the life I have been given.
  • Be aware of the struggles of others around me.
  • Be alone with God.
  • Be unafraid to be less than perfect.
  • Be a boss who understands that there is more than one way to do things.
  • Be more open to what others have to offer.
  • Be an employee who equips my boss to succeed.
  • Be less offended by the world and more compassionate toward it.
  • Be a true friend who doesn’t consult her schedule in order to make time to listen.
  • Be real – it’s not all about me.
  • Be a grateful daughter and take time for my parents.
  • Be a shelter for my husband, not a storm.
  • Be all that God has given me the potential to be.
And then maybe…with a well-nourished soul, I can start to DO again.
*A shortened version of a French toast: A Votre Santé which translates “to your health.”


Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah! I hear you, babe. Well done. Do you want accountability with that, because I could sure use it?

:) KJ

Anonymous said...

"Salud!", as they say in Spanish!

That was some nice introspection there, my friend.

Sending lots of love to you from LA for 2007!

Anonymous said...

I think that in our American lives it is ingrained into us to "DO"...to not "DO" seems somehow less profitable, less worthy of attention. However, You hit the nail on the head - with out time for just 'BEING' then we have an "emaciated spirit". What is the point of 'doing' without having the soul to appreciate what is being done?

Think about the idea of vacation even - why does the rest of the world value shutting down almost the entire country for 4 weeks to rest and recreate and yet we value "I don't have time to vacation"? Bizarre.

The soul must be fed. How many times did Christ set himself apart?

You go and "be"... all that you need to be. and keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

Perfectly Put! :) I agree whole heartedly! I think I'll do the same. Love ya!