27 August 2007

8 Random Facts

For those of you who haven't lost hope in my posting, this post is for you! My friend Laura thought she could get me back blogging if she tagged me. She's right. So here goes, if anyone is still reading...or holding out hope that I will blog another day.

The Rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules. (**if you a€™re a non-blogger, you can email them!)
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don'€™t forget to leave them a comment telling them they are tagged, and to read your blog.

8 Random Facts or Habits about me:

1. I can score at least 3 points and sometimes many more off my underhand volleyball serve. Everyone seems to take those kinds of serves for granted and they end up missing the ball multiple times.

2. I actually enjoy cleaning up after dinner parties. I love cooking for friends and I used to throw many dinner parties before I was married. After everyone left, I would let the candles continue to burn and put on a Norah Jones or Diana Krall CD and start washing the dishes and putting things away and thinking through the evening. It is a calming way for me to end an evening filled with food, friends and wine.

3. My dream job would include cooking, writing, and travel with MY HUSBAND.

4. I still have memorized the entire soundtrack to "Babes in Arms" due to the fact that it was the very first play I "acted" in during high school (over 20 years ago) and I was (of course) in the chorus.

5. I make my bed EVERY morning. I only started doing this 4 years ago but I find that having that one thing done - having that small bit of order in my days makes a HUGE difference. There is nothing like the peace of coming home to a made bed.

6. I have a paper fetish - I could fill a whole room with stationary, cards, postcards, and still not have enough. I don't believe one can have too many cards or too much stationary. There is nothing more inviting to me than blank card or piece of stationary - the possibilities are endless!

7. I am a Marshall-holic. I LOVE MARSHALLS! I can always find something there because they have everything - baby gifts, shower gifts, gourmet food, luggage, purses , shoes (never my size, but I keep looking), it is the Disneyland of shopping!

8. My dream is to have a home in Paris or the South of France. I spent three weeks in France in 1998 and have been hooked ever since. On the first day, it felt like home.

I tag: Starshine, andTim, Heather, Dan, Laura, Rachel, Manda, and Chere. (Feel free to list your random things in the comments!)


Tracy said...

I LOVE paper, too! I could spend hours in paper stores. I think that's why it meant so much to me when you gave me that blue notebook the morning I left for Spain. I used it the entire year I was there!


I did a similar meme to this one here:


Tracy said...

P.S. Glad you're back to blogging!

lkrodriguez said...

yay mare!!! always enjoy reading your posts and i'm hoping to continue to do so!

i'm totally with you on the bed thing...it's a great habit to get into, although some mornings i have to skip it unless i want to make it with my hubby still in it ;)

Anonymous said...

love the facts mare! and you know i'm right there on the paper fetish. now if i could only send notes to people more often.