Love & Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

This book was given to me as wedding present. It looks quite similar to For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn. I haven't even cracked it open yet but it's on the nightstand so it's on the list. It focuses on the differences between how men and women interpret the language of love and affirmation. Based on the reviews of friends, I think it's pretty on point but I will let you know after I finish it.
Created to be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl
One of my best friends/matrons of honor sent me this right after I got engaged (2 months before the wedding). I have found it to be the most helpful book on being married so far. I read four chapters before the wedding but then I was sidetracked by life stuff. After a perusal of the book, MY HUSBAND actually liked what it had to say. The writer has a very positive style of writing and presentation.
30 Days to a Simpler Life by Chris Evatt and Connie Cox
I started reading this years ago and didn't finish. Being newly married to a collector of stuff like myself, I thought it prudent to get some coaching on clearing out some of the stuff. Life just seems a bit too busy with busy-ness and not enough enjoyment. I read the first chapter again a few nights ago and it starts out with very helpful ideas. Sometimes it helps to think of items as simply passing through your life instead of residing there. Unless you empty your hands once in a while, you have no room to receive the new.
Faith of a Writer: Life, Craft, Art by Joyce Carol Oates
MY HUSBAND sent this to me in a care package a month after we starting dating along with a very nice fountain pen and various other gifts that only affirmed what a miracle finding this man has been for me. (oops, I'm waxing newlywed goo all over this blog.) Anyway, I started it on a plane but still need to finish it. Good writers are always good to read.
I almost hesitate to add this book because it is Book 1 of a series of six to date. Once you start, you know you have to keep going. She's been around a bit but I discovered her browsing at a used bookstore and couldn't resist. It's a time travel story/split world story - can't resist those either (see Ted Dekker's Black, Red, and White trilogy). Once I read this, I know it's going to be a long-term commitment. But hey, I just got married, a series of six books is a cake walk commitment-wise. *grin*
I challenge you readers to join in and tell me what you are willing to move from the "want to read" to "already read" stacks of your nightstands. Well read is well said - go ahead turn the page!
I'm looking forward to reading your reviews. I hope you find inspiration and encouragement for your writing journey in the book from your hubby. You are already a great writer, and maybe that book will continue to fan the writing flames!
Glad to hear you so happy as a newlywed!
Hey Mary! It is so fun to find your blog off of Laura's. I hope that you are enjoying your new life with your new hubbie. I hope to see you over Christmas when I come home.
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